Friday, September 4, 2020
Michael Almereydas Hamlet Essay Example For Students
Michael Almereydas Hamlet Essay This scene causes to notice the topic of honesty and debasement while indicating a man at chances with his personality. The scene slices legitimately to Hamlets o this too strong tissue would melt29 speech, and shows him in his lodging seeing comparing pictures of his Father, Mother and Ophelia. As indicated by Amereyda, Hamlets first monologue is limited to his lodging because of time limitations when shooting, yet it stays indistinguishable from the play text. It shows him encompassed by current innovation, a nearby of his eyes shows the power with which he sees the pictures. As indicated by Katherine Rowe this is an altering method called a shot/reaction it is utilized to set up the fiction of a cozy exchange30, further causing to notice the predicament of the person instead of the situation of a nation/partnership. By utilizing this procedure, Almereyda can pass on numerous pictures immediately permitting the crowd to see the scene as Hamlet does and all the more significantly relate to his sentiments, passed on in the monologue. He talks unobtrusively during this scene, however there is addressing mistrust in his tone. In the center, the scene slices to Ophelia holding up by the wellspring and again back to Hamlets extraordinary look on the screen further accentuating his profound musings and fixation and featuring the subject of affection and demise that runs all through the play. Almereyda prevails with regards to making a Hamlet for the cutting edge world right off the bat in distinguishing the sort of Hamlet he needed to depict, he shows him as an anguished youthful understudy deserted by his dad, in death and by his mom, in marriage, a man at chances with a material world without feeling. He picks a youthful entertainer for the piece of Hamlet and finds the play the focal point of an interactive media enterprise in New York setting all the characters in the prompt present. He compares these ultra present day pictures with Shakespeares unique exchange this not just permits the film to contact a more extensive crowd yet in addition stays consistent with Almereydas unique vision of adjusting regard for the play with deference for contemporary reality31. The scenes I have concentrated on specifically show a man overpowered in a world governed by cash and force, a man who battles to stifle his internal sentiments, a picture numerous individuals in the 21st century can relate to. The validness of this movie is sketchy, not on the grounds that the chief found the play in an advanced setting utilizing present day dress but since of the scenes that were cut. That said Almereyda never set out to imitate past adjustments he needed to understand his own vision of a Hamlet in the advanced world and at last depicted the outcome as an endeavor at Shakespeare32. As Jorgens states in his article, the genuine test isn't he whether the movie producer has regarded his model, yet whether he has regarded his own vision. 33 This film requests to a group of people both comfortable and new to crafted by Shakespeare. The individuals who have perused the play will relate to the interlocking subjects made express by his utilization of the camera pictures. Almereyas depiction of the individual characters and his advanced translation of how each manages life in a cutting edge world, guarantee that those new to Shakespeare will relate to at any rate one of the characters and value it as an advanced film fusing an Elizabethan discourse. Book reference Almereyda, Michael. Shakespeares Hamlet (London: Faber and Faber, 2000).Brooke, Nicholas. Shakespeares Early Tragedies (London: Methuen and co, 1968). Jorgens, Jack J. Acknowledging Shakespeare on film in Shakespeare in movie form ed by Robert Shaughnessy (London: Macmillan press 1998). Shakespeare, William Hamlet ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). Rowe, Katherine Remember me, in Shakespeare the film ed by Richard Burt and Lynda E. Boose (London: Routledge 2003). 1 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)pviii 2 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p143 .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .postImageUrl , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:hover , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:visited , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:active { border:0!important; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:active , .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9ca ebf8 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6dcd47eb4aaf8d89edf3fa92c9caebf8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet Explication Essay3 Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeares Early Tragedies,(London: Methuen and co,1968)p171 4 Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeares Early Tragedies,(London: Methuen and co,1968)p171 5 Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeares Early Tragedies,(London: Methuen and co,1968)p171 6 Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeares Early Tragedies,(London: Methuen and co,1968)p171 7 Nicholas Brooke, Shakespeares Early Tragedies,(London: Methuen and co,1968)p171 8 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p218 9 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p218 10 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)p135 11 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)p12 12 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p156 13 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p156 14 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p157 15 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p157 16 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p157 17 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p158 18 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p158 19 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p158 20 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p158 21 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p159 22 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)p14 23 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p160 24 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p160 25 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p160 26 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p161 27 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p162 28 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p161 29 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, ed by G. R. Hibbard (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)p162 30 Katherine Rowe, Remember me, in Shakespeare the film, ed by Richard Burt and Lynda E. Boose (London: Routledge 2003)p20 31 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)pix 32 Michael Almereyda, Shakespeares Hamlet,(London: Faber and Faber, 2000)pxii 33 Jack J Jorgens, Realizing Shakespeare on film in Shakespeare in movie form Ed by Robert Shaughnessy (London: Macmillan press 1998)p7.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Affordable Care Act
Question: Compose an article onAffordable Care Act. Answer: The Affordable Care Act is the government arrangement that encourages the Americans with the security for better wellbeing by maintaining the protection changes of extensive wellbeing that demonstration to extend the inclusion, makes the responsibility to the insurance agencies, more decisions are ensured and the nature of care gets improved for the Americans. This demonstration joins the two separate enactment pieces that conjugate the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act. These two demonstrations meet up for growing the Medicaid inclusion to the Americans who have a place with the class of low-pay gatherings. The demonstration appeared on March 23, 2010 and spoke to the administrative redesign that is generally critical to the human services arrangement of the US (Huesch, Ostbye Michener, 2016). The essential doctors and the emergency clinics would have the option to change their practices clinically, innovatively and monet arily for improving their techniques for availability and conveyance, lower expenses and better results of wellbeing. It was ordered to improve the moderateness and nature of medical coverage, extend the private and open protection inclusion and subsequently bringing down the uninsured rate and lessening the medicinal services costs for the administration and the people ( In the medical coverage commercial center, the plans are displayed in four unique classes named as Metals. The four metal classes incorporate Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. These metals are defined dependent on the parting of the social insurance expenses of the particular plans and are not related with the nature of care. For the Bronze arrangement the insurance agency and the recipient share the consideration costs in the proportion 60%: 40%. In the Silver arrangement, the offer is 70% : 30%, for Gold it is 80% : 20 % and for Platinum it is 90% : 10%. From the above parting group, it tends to be said that the Platinum plan gives the most extreme advantage to the recipient and the Bronze arrangement offers the base advantages. In the Bronze Plan, the recipient pays the 40% of a lot of absolute expense as deductibles, coinsurance and copayments and encourages them with low month to month premiums (Blumenthal Collins, 2014). The silver arrangement is somewhat costly than the Bronz e arrangement and accompanies the sponsorships of cost sharing, that altogether decreases the coinsurance, copays and deductibles. While picking the Gold arrangement, the recipient needs to pay higher premiums and the more prominent bit of the social insurance costs are borne by the wellbeing back up plan. Platinum plan the most costly one with and for utilizing the medical coverage unfailingly, the recipient needs to pay the cost sharing components ( The Affordable Care Act plans to give more noteworthy access to the inclusion of human services, improve the administration quality conveyed and abatement the pace of spending on wellbeing. It helps the senior Americans in a few different ways that have been summed up beneath ( Bringing down the expense of the physician recommended drugs Yearly health visit and preventive administrations Lower premiums for Medicare Part B Upgrades for the individuals from the Medicare Advantage plans Avoidance of Medicare misuse, waste and extortion Improving the installment changes and conveyance arrangement of Medicare Helping the senior Americans with different functionalities Proof Based Nursing Practice Table 1: List of alluded diaries Sl. No. Title Creators 1. Oral consideration in nursing practice: A down to business portrayal Croyre et al. (2012) 2. Making an interpretation of proof into nursing practice: Oral cleanliness for care subordinate grown-ups: Translating proof into oral consideration rehearses Chan et al. (2011) 3. Oral consideration rehearses for orally intubated basically sick grown-ups Feider, Mitchell Bridges (2010) 4. Oral cleanliness care in the pediatric emergency unit: suggestions Johnstone, Spence Koziol-McClain (2010) 5. Relationship among pneumonia and oral consideration in nursing home occupants El-Solh (2011) The examination work did by Chan et al. (2011) with the title Translating proof into nursing practice: Oral cleanliness for care subordinate grown-ups: Translating proof into oral consideration rehearses as saw as the best article for the nursing mediation for oral consideration practice. The article planned for interpreting the accessible proof for improving the oral consideration rehearses. This is significant from the perspective of nursing mediation as it is significant for the medical attendants to make an interpretation of the hypothetical information into training without which, the treatment and care stay insufficient or fragmented. Oral cleanliness is a lot of vital for the keeping up the prosperity and wellbeing of the hospitalized patients. From the past investigations, the creators noticed that the attendants came up short on the information that is proof based for conveying legitimate oral consideration. In this manner, the creators did a broad study of the medical caret akers who are working in the high reliance or serious consideration units and found that a convention for oral consideration is important to overcome any issues between the information and practice. Henceforth, the creators effectively elevated the information and familiarity with the medical caretakers on oral consideration and assisted with giving the best mediation to the oral wellbeing of the patients. The other four articles bolster the discoveries of the exploration articles in various techniques. The investigation led by Croyre et al. (2012) with the title Oral consideration in nursing practice: An even minded portrayal was an investigation of the social portrayal of the oral consideration by the medical attendants alongside the human services colleagues occupied with palliative consideration. Feider, Mitchell Bridges (2010) completed an examination chip away at the title Oral consideration rehearses for orally intubated fundamentally sick grown-ups was a graphic and cross-sectional investigation for portraying the acts of oral consideration that are performed by the basic consideration attendants for the patients who are basically sick and are intubated. Johnstone, Spence Koziol-McClain (2010) directed an exploration study titled Oral cleanliness care in the pediatric emergency unit: suggestions where fourteen articles were fundamentally assessed for the improvement of a PICU r ule in oral cleanliness. El-Solh (2011) played out an exploration take a shot at the title Association among pneumonia and oral consideration in nursing home occupants where an audit of different articles were completed to set up the way that there is a requirement for the execution of a program for utilizing oral cleanliness as a day by day schedule for the settings of long haul care.The article that built up the best research configuration was Oral cleanliness care in the pediatric emergency unit: suggestions that was created by Johnstone, Spence Koziol-McClain (2010). In this article, fourteen articles have been distinguished to be pertinent to the oral consideration for the pediatric patients in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit or PICU. The examination articles were fundamentally evaluated and a PICU rule based oral cleanliness was created. The exploration effectively featured the connection between the poor state of oral cleanliness in the ICU with an expansion in the aggregat ion of the dental plaque, oropharyngeal bacterial colonization and expanded paces of nosocomial disease that is related with ventilator-based pneumonia. The exploration configuration incorporated a broad inquiry of writing from the different scholarly databases like Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and The Cochrane Library. The Iowa Model was utilized for social affair master sentiment, speculations and case reports for allowing the conventions to be founded on the best accessible proof. The gathered articles included randomized controlled preliminaries, methodical surveys, relative preliminary, non-randomized preliminaries and master conclusions. Six distinct levels were utilized for rating the quality and quality Croyre et al. (2012) directed an examination study titled Oral consideration in nursing practice: A sober minded portrayal that most plainly built up the reason and issue explanation of the investigation among the five alluded diaries. The issue proclamation of the examination expressed that the oral consideration for the patients who are getting the palliative consideration that is non-master needed a few viewpoints. In this way, the creators investigated the social portrayal of the oral consideration by the medical caretakers alongside the human services associates giving the palliative consideration. The reason for the investigation was to depict a preparation program for an enormous scope that expected to the adjustment of the common mentalities in oral consideration. The social portrayal of the human services collaborators and the medical caretakers was to be partaken in the investigation that is worried about the oral consideration of the patients in a palliative consideration setting that is non-authority. The practices, convictions, thoughts and estimations of the medical caretakers are to be partaken in the investigation to address the difficult proclamation and the examination will enlist two gatherings for accomplishing the motivation behind the examination. The two gatherings are control and test bunches that are intended to assess the adjustment in the training and approach of oral consideration to take care of the related issue in palliative consideration. The examination work did by El-Solh (2011) titled Association among pneumonia and oral consideration in nursing home inhabitants had the best example size for their exploration issue. Pneumonia happens to be driving passing reason among the occupants of nursing homes. False teeth and oral surface colonization with the respiratory pathogens and the dental plaque collection go about as repositories for the intermittent issue of the contaminations of the lower respiratory tract. For featuring this examination issue, the writer led an orderly audit of a few research articles where an enormous number of medical clinic occupants filled in as the investigation test from various settings. This enormous assortment of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Benefits of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Genetic Engineering Resear
Blueprint I. Proposal explanation: The advantages of hereditary building far exceed its potential for abuse. II. Hereditary Engineering A. Meaning of Genetic Engineering. (#6) B. Who concocted Genetic Engineering Gregor Mendel (Christopher Lampton #7) Thomas Hunt Morgan (Christopher Lampton #7) III. Advantages of Genetic Engineering A. Hereditary Screening (Laurence E. Karp #4) B. Quality Therapy (Renato Dulbecco #6) C. Cloning D. Hereditary Surgery (Christopher Lampton #7) E. Advantages in Agriculture (David Pimentel and Maurizio G. Paoletti #2) IV. Potential Problems A. Morals playing God. B. What can be viewed as an ailment or not. C. Freak Army V. Contentions Against Problems A. Creation is a blessing. B. All advancements have potential for misuse. C. Effectively opened hereditary genie can't return to bottle. D. Laws to manage hereditary qualities. E. Hereditary Engineering can be utilized for such a large number of beneficial things. (rehash benefits) VI. Shutting Statements A. In spite of the fact that hereditary designing has potential for misuse, with tight control, the maltreatment can be limited and the advantages can even now be procured from it. Hereditary designing is a very unstable point nowadays. On the one side, individuals are shouting about how individuals are playing God and the potential for calamity, and on the opposite side individuals are shouting about the huge potential for good that it has. In any case, how might anybody settle on a choice if a large portion of those individuals don't have a clue what hereditary designing is? The man who maybe began this hereditary upset was a humble Augustinina... ...hether one loves it or not. Works Cited Mabie, Margot C.J. Bioethics &the New Medical Technology . New York: Athenium, 1993 Pimentel, David and Paoletti, Maurizio G., Hereditary Engineering in Agriculture and the Environment, Bioscience Oct. 1996. Compact disc ROM. UMI-Proquest. Jan. 1997 Wilson, Jim, Finding New Wonder Drugs, Popular Mechanics Oct. 1996. Album ROM. UMI-Proquest. Jan. 1997 Karp, Laurence E. Hereditary Engineering: Threat or Promise? . Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1976 Lampton, Christopher. Quality Technology, Confronting the Issues . New York: Athenium, 1995 Dulbecco, Renato. Quality Therapy, UNESCO Courier . Sep. 1994. Disc ROM. UMI-Proquest. Jan. 1997 What is hereditary building? (16 Apr. 1996). (24 Jan. 1997) Marsa, Linda. Eatable Vaccines: Enhancing the advantages of nature, Omni Sep. 1994. Disc ROM. UMI-Proquest. Jan. 1997
The Ocean Free Essays
For what reason do I do it? For what reason do I alarm myself with the oceanâ⬠¦? It is valid, it is savage, truly; itââ¬â¢s not cognizant, so it has no emotions, no regret, no pity, no mindfulness. It is inappropriate to state it is lifeless, in light of the fact that it is surely vitalize. What's more, not alive, yet contains such a great amount of life inside it should be. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Ocean or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Like a Frankenstein body loaded up with cells and microorganisms and nerve motivations yet no cognizance. My most noticeably awful bad dream â⬠I donââ¬â¢t have it all the time yet itââ¬â¢s a solid one â⬠can take an assortment of structures and occur in an assortment of spots: itââ¬â¢s being overpowered by a tidal wave. I sat watching probably the greatest wave on the planet â⬠at Teahupoo â⬠with my companion, a clinician. I asked her what a clinician would state that dread of a torrent implied. ââ¬Å"I don't know. Most likely something to do with your mom. Ordinarily is, eh? â⬠. Be that as it may, I canââ¬â¢t help thinking Iââ¬â¢m likewise just frightened of death by suffocating. Why at that point do I travel by tanker transport, why at that point would I like to cruise over the sea in a minor sail vessel? Interestingly, the tidal wave dream never happens adrift. Itââ¬â¢s consistently the shore that is immersed. With that mass of moving toward death. However, the ocean despite everything alarms me. Too it should. It is the main reasonable response to be careful of such a monster. I continue wishing to anthropomorphise it. Would it be a good idea for me to? Wary, yesâ⬠¦ yet terrified? Iââ¬â¢m attempting to work out is my dread reasonable or silly. Do I think the ocean, the sea, represents something, somebody? Do I think something â⬠like the torrent â⬠is coming to get me? Or on the other hand somebody? Or on the other hand is it myself thatââ¬â¢s frequenting me? Indeed, even here on the scaffold, of a huge vessel transport, 150 feet over the quiet dull waters of the Pacific, I stress. I am outside, I hear a horn. Was that our own, I inquire? The guards state no perhaps it was the radio. It wasnââ¬â¢t a radio. I check the radar â⬠nothing. I skirt outside again this time with optics. Give me a man with optics over your electronic instruments. Or on the other hand is it simply my absence of confidence? Confidence in what? In innovation? In lightness? In myself? Each time I remain at a railing I hunch marginally. I am subtly alarmed that somebody may come up behind me and simply topple me in. In any event, during the day to drop off the side of this boat would be for all intents and purposes unavoidable passing. Almost certainly about it. You would be gone, gone, gone. Nobody would see. What's more, when they saw your nonappearance at supper they could never at any point discover you. Perhaps the most exceedingly awful thing is that I realize the sea could gulp down this entire tremendous boat and not give it a second thought. Not show a hint of where it had been. Two miles somewhere down surprisingly fast. The primary mate guarantees me, accommodatingly, that indeed, that could occur. Here and there, they break in two, he says. Furthermore, sink in minutes. So supportive. Not what I expected or sought after him to state. Furthermore, perhaps thatââ¬â¢s something else. That in the event that you pass on in an auto accident in any event thereââ¬â¢s a body. Thereââ¬â¢s something for your family to cry over, to grieve, thereââ¬â¢s a proof that you existed. Pass on in the sea and theyââ¬â¢ll likely never discover your body. Your life, and the physical evidence of your reality, will both be gone simultaneously. We like to figure we would live on in otherââ¬â¢s recollections. In any case, it is ideal to have a grave. What's more, thereââ¬â¢s not a viable replacement for as yet existing. I never acknowledged: truly, I need to lie in a grave. I need to bite the dust in a bed, and afterward be placed in a grave. A plantation, where I can transform into sweet apples. Donââ¬â¢t tell anybody. In any case, here, I donââ¬â¢t have a place. This isn't the place I originated from. As lovely as it is this spot, under the moon, the light on the sea (or is that glint some hindrance we are setting out toward an impact with? ) it isn't our home. We are not coming back to the sea, in light of the fact that itââ¬â¢s not where weââ¬â¢re from. Our bodies know this. They are unwilling to the unlimited waters where we could be lost, always, totally, and never support the terrains of our home again. Not too far off there is lightning. We can see far here: we can see everything â⬠so we see lightning striking on all sides. Far out there. Around here, this is the wild, the wildnerness that was constantly here, and consistently will be. So much the equivalent, but then it continues evolving. However never for the better â⬠not for good. You can never really know it, and never make it your home, not here; anyway great your bushcraft. Ashore, in the wild, you could discover a cavern, a tree, assemble a lodge, shield yourself from the components. Previous unsettled areas are networks, bars, shopping centers. Be that as it may, the ocean will consistently be a wild. Basically enough to lay your nose and mouth in will murder you. Simply envision what an entire expanse of it could do. Imagine a scenario where that lightning out of nowhere strikes, on all sides, the downpour lashing down, the waves slurping up. Effectively every time a furniture fitting shivers I stress. I quit writing to pass judgment on our pitch, our roll, is everything alright? I think Iââ¬â¢m turning out to be increasingly similar to my mum. In any case, consider the possibility that that lightning enlivened the ocean, struck, lit it up with its brutal glimmer of vitality and offered life to that oblivious Frankenstein body. Itââ¬â¢s alive, and itââ¬â¢s surrounding us, itââ¬â¢s furious and wild and massive. The blend is overpowering, great, and alarming. Itââ¬â¢s alive, it towers over you; itââ¬â¢s coming to get you. You wonder why it hasnââ¬â¢t got you as of now. What watery cunning these mariners have with their overwhelming bottom, with their all around molded structure: to swindle demise and burglarize the ocean of its eventual prize. Be that as it may, the ocean doesnââ¬â¢t care. It is ready over you like a high rise, one that comes smashing down like clockwork. What's more, it does that once more. What's more, once more. What's more, once more. At regular intervals, on each side. For a considerable length of time. And afterward itââ¬â¢s quiet. Also, as fast as the tempest came it surrenders you. All things considered, it doesnââ¬â¢t care, itââ¬â¢s not a man, an acumen, or a retribution. Itââ¬â¢s not your inner mind. Itââ¬â¢s only a tempest. And all that you need to shield yourself from it â⬠all that I need to shield myself from it â⬠isn't karma or destiny or charms or wishes or even expectations or life plans or dreams. Nor innovation nor aptitude nor discipline nor work nor anything earned. Just yourself â⬠just myself. Depending on myself, knowing myself, trusting, totally, myself, my brain, my body, my contemplations, my activities. Furthermore, perhaps that is the reason the sea is not really good or bad alarming. The most effective method to refer to The Ocean, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Scarlet Letter Essays - Fiction, Literature, Roger Chillingworth
Red Letter Hester's Devotion The Romantic development in American writing incredibly extended the romantic tale type. In Hawthorne's tale The Red Letter he composes of infidelity in a Puritan town. The story manages the connection between Hester Prynne, a youthful lady anticipating her significant other, and Arthur Dimmsdale, a propelled Puritan serve who is cherished by the people. Do Hester and Dimmsdale genuinely love one another? Hester does without a doubt love Dimmsdale, yet the adoration isn't returned by the evangelist. It is clear from the earliest starting point that Hester adores Dimmsdale. At the point when she is being flame broiled for the character of the dad of her youngster before the whole villiage, she thinks about him enough to decline to uncover his character. When offered the opportunity to evacuate the red letter An on the off chance that she will yet talk his name and apologize, she faces the group and won't yield to its weight. Another telling element of her adoration for Dimmsdale is that she stays in the town as an untouchable instead of escaping to an all the more tolerating condition, where she may perhaps carry on with an ordinary life. As indicated by the storyteller, she was unable to leave this spot on the grounds that there trode the feet of one with whom she esteemed herself associated in an association, that, unrecognized on earth, would unite them before the bar of last judgment (74). She understands that she can't have an ordinary existence in this network with Dimmsdale, yet even so she can't force herself to leave him. This is telling proof of! her affection for him. She suffers agony and torment alone, without even the help of her accomplice in wrongdoing. All things being equal, she despite everything feels more anguish over being the reason for Dimmsdale's torment than she accomplishes for the mortification of being marked unclean previously her locale. As she states herself, under addressing by the clergymen before the town and would that I may bear his desolation, just as mine! (64). That she should feel blame for causing him torment when he was so a lot included as she was demonstrates how profoundly she loves him. Hester couldn't want anything more than to get away from her discipline, however just on the off chance that she can even now be with Dimmsdale. While chatting with Dimmsdale alone in the woodland where nobody can catch, she raises escaping with him, and living a life loaded with affection with him in another land. She says So concise an excursion would bring thee from an existence where thou hast been generally pathetic, to one where thou mayest still be upbeat (181). The world she is discussing here is a world more profound along the backwoods track where they can unreservedly communicate their adoration for each other. At the point when he appears to be reluctant to take that way, she proposes another course of departure. At that point there is the wide pathway of the sea!...It brought thee here. On the off chance that thou so pick, it will bear thee back once more (181). She is eager to surrender her freshly discovered acknowledgment as healer, from the townspeople in a second to win an opportunity to live in satisfaction with a man who has so far indicated her little help. Hester likewise gives her adoration for Dimmsdale with her mental fortitude in onfronting Roger Chillingworth with her expectation to caution Dimmsdale of the danger Chillingworth presents him. She is eager to break the promise of mystery she has made to Chillingworth, saying I should uncover the secret...He must recognize thee in thy genuine character...this long obligation of certainty, due from me to him, whose bane and ruin I have been, will finally be paid (158). She realizes that Chillingworth is a plotting, malicious man, whose physical deformation mirrors the disfigurement and abhorrence substance of his heart. Again she is going to bat for the man she cherishes. In a similar discussion, she attempts to move Chillingworth's perniciousness off the man she cherishes and onto herself. She asks him It was I, at the very least he. Why hast thou not retaliated for thyself on me? (158). Different instances of Hester's undying dedication incorporate the depiction of what a caring individual Hester is, the point at which the storyteller expresses Hester's inclination showed itself warm and rich; a well-spring of human delicacy (148). With her nature subsequently uncovered as normally adoring, it is anything but difficult to perceive any reason why she is so committed to Dimmsdale. Afterward, not long before she enlightens Dimmsdale concerning the danger living in his own home, the storyteller alludes to
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment
Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment Basics Print Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 08, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 istockphoto More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Babies bond with adults who provide them with consistent, loving care. They recognize the adults who protect them and calm them when theyâre feeling stressed. In most cases, they develop healthy attachments to their primary caregivers, like their parents, daycare provider, or perhaps a grandparent who is very involved. But sometimes, babies struggle to form healthy relationships with a stable adult. Consequently, they may develop reactive attachment disorder, a mental health condition that makes it difficult to form healthy and loving relationships. Causes Reactive attachment disorder may result when children arenât given proper care by stable and consistent caregivers. If a caregiver doesnât respond to an infantâs cries or a child isnât nurtured and loved, he may not develop a healthy attachment. Here are some examples of times when a child may not be able to form a secure attachment to a primary caregiver: A childâs mother is incarcerated off and on. The child resides with various relatives while she is in jail and the baby is never in the same home long enough to form a strong bond with any adults.A mother has depression. Consequently, she struggles to care for her child. She is not responsive to him when he cries and she doesnât show him much affection.A child is removed from his birth parents and placed in foster care. He lives in several different foster homes over the course of a year. He doesnât form secure relationships with any caregivers.Two parents have serious substance abuse problems. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, they arenât able to provide their child with adequate care.A baby is placed in an orphanage. There are many different caregivers but the baby is rarely held or consoled when she cries. She spends most of her time in a crib.A young mother doesnât understand child development basics. She lacks the knowledge to care for her child physically and emotionally. The child doesnât bond with his mother because she isnât responsive to his needs. Any time thereâs a consistent disregard for a childâs emotional or physical needs, a child may be at risk for developing a reactive attachment disorder. A lack of stimulation and affection can also play a role. Symptoms Children with reactive attachment disorder often refuse to follow rules and they may lash out against others with little empathy. But reactive attachment disorder goes beyond behavior problems. In order to qualify for a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder, a child must exhibit a consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers. Children with reactive attachment disorder: Rarely or minimally seek comfort when distressedRarely or minimally respond to comfort when distressed To meet the criteria, they must also exhibit two of the following symptoms: Minimal social and emotional responsiveness to othersLimited positive affectEpisodes of unexplained irritability, sadness, or fearfulness that are evident during non-threatening interactions with adult caregivers In addition to exhibiting those symptoms, the child must also have a history of insufficient care as evidenced by at least one of the following: Changes in primary caregivers that limit the childâs opportunity to form a stable attachmentPersistent lack of emotional warmth and affection from adultsBeing raised in an unusual setting that severely limits a childâs opportunity to form selective attachments (such as an orphanage) The symptoms must be present before the age of 5. And the child must have a developmental age of at least nine months to qualify for a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder. Prevalence of Reactive Attachment Disorder Since reactive attachment disorder is a relatively new diagnosisâ"and many children go untreated, itâs uncertain how many children may meet the criteria. In 2010, one study found less than 0.4 percent of Danish children had reactive attachment disorder. A 2013 study estimated about 1.4 percent of children living in an impoverished area in the United Kingdom had an attachment disorder. Itâs estimated that children in foster careâ"and those who resided in orphanagesâ"exhibit much higher rates of reactive attachment disorder. A history of maltreatment and disruptions to a childâs care likely increases the risk. Diagnosis Teachers, daycare providers, and primary caregivers are likely to notice that a child with reactive attachment disorder exhibits emotional and behavioral issues. A thorough examination by a mental health professional can establish whether a child has reactive attachment disorder. An evaluation may include: Direct observation of the child interacting with a caregiverA thorough history of a childâs development and living situationInterviews with the primary caregivers to learn more about parenting stylesObservation of the childâs behavior There are several other conditions that may present with similar emotional or behavioral symptoms. A mental health professional will determine whether a childâs symptoms may be explained by other conditions such as: Adjustment disordersPost-traumatic stress disorderCognitive disabilitiesAutismMood disorders Sometimes, children with reactive attachment disorder experience comorbid conditions. Research shows that children with attachment disorders experience higher rates of ADHD, anxiety disorders, and conduct disorders. The History of the Reactive Attachment Disorder Diagnosis Attachment disorder is a relatively new diagnosis. It was first introduced in 1980. In 1987, two subtypes of reactive attachment disorder were introduced; inhibited and disinhibited. In 2013, the diagnosis was updated again. The DSM-5 refers to the disinhibited type as a separate condition called disinhibited social engagement disorder. Disinhibited social engagement disorder is an attachment disorder that is also caused by a lack of a secure attachment with a caregiverâ"like reactive attachment disorder. Children with disinhibited social engagement disorder approach and interact with unfamiliar adults without any fear. They are often willing to go off with a stranger without any hesitation. Treatment The first step in treating a child with reactive attachment disorder usually involves ensuring the child is given a loving, caring, and stable environment. Therapy wonât be effective if a child continues moving from foster home to foster home or if he continues living in a residential setting with inconsistent caregivers. Therapy usually involves the child as well as the parent or primary caregiver. The caregiver is educated about reactive attachment disorder and given information about how to build trust and develop a healthy bond. Sometimes, caregivers are encouraged to attend parenting classes to learn how to manage behavior problems. And if the caregiver struggles to provide a child with warmth and affection, parent training may be provided to help a child feel safe and loved. Controversial Therapies That Are Not Recommended In the past, some treatment centers used several controversial therapies for children with reactive attachment disorder. For example, holding therapy involves a therapist or a caregiver physically restraining a child. The child is expected to go through a range of emotions until he eventually stops resisting. Unfortunately, some children have died while being restrained. Another controversial therapy involves rebirthing. During rebirthing, children with reactive attachment disorder are wrapped in blankets and therapists simulate the birthing process by acting as though the child is moving through the birth canal. Rebirthing became illegal in several states after a child suffocated. The American Psychiatric Association and The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry caution against holding therapies and rebirthing techniques. Such techniques are considered pseudoscience and there is no evidence that they reduce the symptoms associated with reactive attachment disorder. If you consider any non-traditional treatments for your child, itâs important to talk to your childâs doctor before beginning treatment. Long-Term Prognosis for Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder Without treatment, a child with reactive attachment disorder may experience ongoing social, emotional, and behavioral problems. And that may put a child at risk for bigger problems as he grows older. Researchers estimate that 52 percent of juvenile offenders have an attachment disorder or borderline attachment disorder. The vast majority of those teens had experienced maltreatment or neglect early in life. Early intervention may be key to helping kids develop healthy attachments earlier in life. And the sooner they receive treatment, the fewer problems they may have over time. How to Reduce the Risk There are several ways in which primary caregivers may be able to reduce the risk that a child will develop reactive attachment disorder. Educate yourself about child development. Learning how to respond to your babyâs cues and how to help reduce your childâs stress can be instrumental in developing a healthy attachment.Provide positive attention. Playing with your baby, reading to her, and cuddling with her can help establish a loving and trusting relationship.Nurture your child. Simple everyday activities, like changing your babyâs diaper and feeding her, are opportunities to bond.Learn about attachment issues. If you are raising a child who has a history of neglect, maltreatment, or caregiver interruptions, educate yourself about attachment issues. Where to Find Help If you have concerns that your child may have an emotional or behavioral disorder, start by talking to your childâs doctor. The pediatrician can evaluate your child and determine whether a referral to a mental health provider is appropriate.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
History of Development of Robots Research Paper - 1100 Words
History of Development of Robots (Research Paper Sample) Content: NameInstructorInstitutionDateRoboticsIntroductionRobotics is a branch of engineering, which specializes in the design, construction, operation, and application of robots and other related technologies including computer programs for controlling and processing information used by robots (Craig 15). The idea behind developing robots was to automate normal human tasks and function including those that are risky, repetitive, and physically demanding. Initially, before the age of robotics, human beings were required to perform highly risky and demanding activities including lifting heavy loads, working under environments with very high temperatures, which put their lives at risk. As such, automated machines were deemed necessary to take over some of these risky tasks. The process of design and construction of robots hugely rely on technologies, which are designed to mimic human behavior, appearance, and cognition.History of development of robotsThe origin of robotics trace s back to the ancient world, the ancient mythology of robots sites evidences of the idea in a number of ancient work. For instance, among the Greek, Hephaestus developed a mobile three-legged table while Roger Bacon developed statutes that had the ability to move and mimic human voice. However, due to lack of sufficient infrastructure to explore and develop robots, nothing substantial were achieved. The concept was developed significantly during the Industrial revolution more so due to the discovery and introduction of electricity. During this period, as the then predominantly agrarian population in Europe made efforts to become industrialized, sophisticated machines, which were powered by small motors, were needed to perform the manufacturing process. However, the difficulties experienced then meant that further development in technology were necessary to run the manufacturing process effectively. Consequently, the 20th century witnessed the development of the first hominoid machin e. Currently, human sized robots exhibiting inherent human characteristics have been developed to carry out different activities in big industries (Rosheim 63).Initially, during the onset of the industrial revolution, industrial robots designed to conduct manufacturing processes were immobile machines capable of conducting the manufacturing process as stand-alone machines without the need for human assistance (Rosheim 37). Further developments and improvements have been incorporated in these machines in way of further enhancing their ability. Since the early 1960à ¢Ã¢â ¬s, industrial robots with digital control ability have been developedCurrent applications of robotsRobots have found the application in almost every aspect of human life. Today, they are generally known to replace human being in performing the dangerous, repetitive and dirty work. The tremendous growth in the application of robot is hugely due to its functional justification and need to guard human life against ha rm caused by either bad working conditions or dangerous working environments (Issac 172). As such, majority of the work done by these robots relate to protection of human operators under bad working environment and conditions. Below are some of the current areas of application of robots and their specific uses; 1 In industries: industrial robots are used in the manufacturing process in industries. They have proven to be efficient in producing large amount of output within short period. They are widely used in the automobile industry to perform dangerous and time-consuming tasks such as welding and painting. Because robots work according to a preprogrammed and reprogrammable systems, they are known to deliver quality services and to generally improve the manufacturing process 2 In healthcare facilities à ¢Ã¢â ¬ Robots are used to perform robotic surgery. As a result of advancement in technology, doctors and engineers have been able to come up with highly intelligent robots that ca n eliminate human errors in surgery processes and deliver safe and quality surgeries 3 In military activities: the dangerous nature of military activities such as combats makes the deployment of robots necessary to safeguard human life. Although highly criticized for lack of human emotion and morality, robots are efficient tools for conducting military operations which might have put the lives of human soldiers at risk 4 As pets: experts have developed with striking human resemblance both in terms of behavior and characteristics. They are viewed as pets to human being and even assist in performing some of the basic household tasks. 5 In space exploration: robots have been used to exploring the universe due to their ability to withstand harsh conditions including conditions that do not support human life. For instance, robots were used to explore prevailing conditions in other planetsUnfortunately, robots are also being used in nefarious ways. Below are a few examples: 1 Artificially intelligent robots are being applied in war in the form of drones or otherwise, in which case they operate as autonomous weapons resulting in atrocities of the kind we would regard as war crimes. This involves killing innocent people and destroying property. Already, this has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan (Sparrow 63). 2 Robots are reported of being used in carrying out extrajudicial killings in spite of the basic law that robots should not have power over human life. Already, plans to have robots be used to take life under certain circumstances in future are underway although receiving criticism. (United Nations 6). 3 The application of robots in conducting private investigations upon unsuspecting people has been criticized as an intrusion into peoplesà ¢Ã¢â ¬ privacies as warranted in the human rights acts or bills as was witnessed in the case of US vs. Kyllo in June 2001 (Cowper, Buerger, and Michael 48). 4 Universal robot operating systems used on computers have created a major loophole to enhance cybercrime because criminals have the way of accessing them and reprogramming computers using such operating systems to commit serious cybercrimes including fraud (Sharky, Goodman and Ross 116).Despite these remarkable achievements in the applications of robots in conducting activities, which would otherwise have been dangerous and risky to human beings, concerns relating to displacement of human labor and widespread unemployment, mass destruction and violation of human rights during military combats as well as moral justification for developing robots are still rife among individuals. In healthcare and space exploration, application of robotics has efficiently enhanced the processes involved without posing any substantial risks.In order to distinguish a bad robot from bad one, Isaac Asimonov laws of 1949 should be invoked. Isaac argued that a good robot must not harm human beings through their either actions or inactions; they must obey instructions given to them by human beings unless such orders go against the initial law and that a good robot must guard its existence unless such action contradicts the initial laws. The major setback in following these laws lies in the conflict between codified laws and morality. Although these laws are structured to mimic the human common senses, it is not possible to program common sense.The future of roboticsRobots are continuously being... History of Development of Robots Research Paper - 1100 Words History of Development of Robots (Research Paper Sample) Content: NameInstructorInstitutionDateRoboticsIntroductionRobotics is a branch of engineering, which specializes in the design, construction, operation, and application of robots and other related technologies including computer programs for controlling and processing information used by robots (Craig 15). The idea behind developing robots was to automate normal human tasks and function including those that are risky, repetitive, and physically demanding. Initially, before the age of robotics, human beings were required to perform highly risky and demanding activities including lifting heavy loads, working under environments with very high temperatures, which put their lives at risk. As such, automated machines were deemed necessary to take over some of these risky tasks. The process of design and construction of robots hugely rely on technologies, which are designed to mimic human behavior, appearance, and cognition.History of development of robotsThe origin of robotics trace s back to the ancient world, the ancient mythology of robots sites evidences of the idea in a number of ancient work. For instance, among the Greek, Hephaestus developed a mobile three-legged table while Roger Bacon developed statutes that had the ability to move and mimic human voice. However, due to lack of sufficient infrastructure to explore and develop robots, nothing substantial were achieved. The concept was developed significantly during the Industrial revolution more so due to the discovery and introduction of electricity. During this period, as the then predominantly agrarian population in Europe made efforts to become industrialized, sophisticated machines, which were powered by small motors, were needed to perform the manufacturing process. However, the difficulties experienced then meant that further development in technology were necessary to run the manufacturing process effectively. Consequently, the 20th century witnessed the development of the first hominoid machin e. Currently, human sized robots exhibiting inherent human characteristics have been developed to carry out different activities in big industries (Rosheim 63).Initially, during the onset of the industrial revolution, industrial robots designed to conduct manufacturing processes were immobile machines capable of conducting the manufacturing process as stand-alone machines without the need for human assistance (Rosheim 37). Further developments and improvements have been incorporated in these machines in way of further enhancing their ability. Since the early 1960à ¢Ã¢â ¬s, industrial robots with digital control ability have been developedCurrent applications of robotsRobots have found the application in almost every aspect of human life. Today, they are generally known to replace human being in performing the dangerous, repetitive and dirty work. The tremendous growth in the application of robot is hugely due to its functional justification and need to guard human life against ha rm caused by either bad working conditions or dangerous working environments (Issac 172). As such, majority of the work done by these robots relate to protection of human operators under bad working environment and conditions. Below are some of the current areas of application of robots and their specific uses; 1 In industries: industrial robots are used in the manufacturing process in industries. They have proven to be efficient in producing large amount of output within short period. They are widely used in the automobile industry to perform dangerous and time-consuming tasks such as welding and painting. Because robots work according to a preprogrammed and reprogrammable systems, they are known to deliver quality services and to generally improve the manufacturing process 2 In healthcare facilities à ¢Ã¢â ¬ Robots are used to perform robotic surgery. As a result of advancement in technology, doctors and engineers have been able to come up with highly intelligent robots that ca n eliminate human errors in surgery processes and deliver safe and quality surgeries 3 In military activities: the dangerous nature of military activities such as combats makes the deployment of robots necessary to safeguard human life. Although highly criticized for lack of human emotion and morality, robots are efficient tools for conducting military operations which might have put the lives of human soldiers at risk 4 As pets: experts have developed with striking human resemblance both in terms of behavior and characteristics. They are viewed as pets to human being and even assist in performing some of the basic household tasks. 5 In space exploration: robots have been used to exploring the universe due to their ability to withstand harsh conditions including conditions that do not support human life. For instance, robots were used to explore prevailing conditions in other planetsUnfortunately, robots are also being used in nefarious ways. Below are a few examples: 1 Artificially intelligent robots are being applied in war in the form of drones or otherwise, in which case they operate as autonomous weapons resulting in atrocities of the kind we would regard as war crimes. This involves killing innocent people and destroying property. Already, this has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan (Sparrow 63). 2 Robots are reported of being used in carrying out extrajudicial killings in spite of the basic law that robots should not have power over human life. Already, plans to have robots be used to take life under certain circumstances in future are underway although receiving criticism. (United Nations 6). 3 The application of robots in conducting private investigations upon unsuspecting people has been criticized as an intrusion into peoplesà ¢Ã¢â ¬ privacies as warranted in the human rights acts or bills as was witnessed in the case of US vs. Kyllo in June 2001 (Cowper, Buerger, and Michael 48). 4 Universal robot operating systems used on computers have created a major loophole to enhance cybercrime because criminals have the way of accessing them and reprogramming computers using such operating systems to commit serious cybercrimes including fraud (Sharky, Goodman and Ross 116).Despite these remarkable achievements in the applications of robots in conducting activities, which would otherwise have been dangerous and risky to human beings, concerns relating to displacement of human labor and widespread unemployment, mass destruction and violation of human rights during military combats as well as moral justification for developing robots are still rife among individuals. In healthcare and space exploration, application of robotics has efficiently enhanced the processes involved without posing any substantial risks.In order to distinguish a bad robot from bad one, Isaac Asimonov laws of 1949 should be invoked. Isaac argued that a good robot must not harm human beings through their either actions or inactions; they must obey instructions given to them by human beings unless such orders go against the initial law and that a good robot must guard its existence unless such action contradicts the initial laws. The major setback in following these laws lies in the conflict between codified laws and morality. Although these laws are structured to mimic the human common senses, it is not possible to program common sense.The future of roboticsRobots are continuously being...
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Inventory Carrying Costs Paraphrasing Out Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1544 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Inventory carrying costs can be defined as the cost related to hold / store in the inventory. The inventory costs are considered to be the highest hidden and unknown costs in the world of business. Most of the managers consider inventory holding costs normally from 15 to 35% of the inventory value, but on the other hand there are also some businessmen and co-operations which do not consider the inventory carrying cost even though these costs are real and substantial and matter a lot. The cost of carrying inventory has a direct relation with the number of ware houses that a company have but also on the firms distribution polices, for example if we have same customer service level, low inventory carrying cost could result in the use of different ware houses which can also slows down the mode of transportation such as railroads. Whereas the high inventory carrying costs could lead in limited number of stock ware houses which save time and results in faster transportation by motor carriers or aircrafts in order to provide same service in both the cases. If we dont know the exact and accurate estimation of inventory carrying cost of a firm, then that firm or company will not be able to choose the distribution policies which would minimize its costs, but if we know the accurate total cost associated with carrying cost of inventory then we know the cost tradeoffs which can be made within the logistics system. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Inventory Carrying Costs Paraphrasing Out Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Fig-1 illustrates the tradeoffs that are necessary when developing policies like customers service levels, purchasing policies, transportation policies and warehousing systems if maximum corporate profitability is to be realized. The basic Cost Categories There are 4 basic types of cost which should be considered wile calculating the inventory carrying cost which are: Capital costs Inventory service costs Storage space cost Inventory risk costs. These are explained in detail as follow Capital Costs Most of the businessman is of the view that investing inventories is relatively liquid and riskless investment because they feel that they will get somewhat a lower return on the inventory investment. However holding inventory requires capital which could have been used in other investments and by investment money as inventory the company/ firm foregoes the rate of return that could be obtained by doing such type of investment. Therefore the companys opportunity cost of capital should be applied to the investment in inventory. Moreover this cost of capital should be made by out of pocket investment in inventory. Many companies also use some variation of absorption for the inventory valuation; in this they consider only the manufacturing costs that are relevant which are cost of capital, the companys minimum acceptable rate of return should be applied to the variable costs which are directly related with the inventory. The measurement of the cost of capital is very complex. Lets consider an example From the article same to same The coupon rate on bounds is not an accurate measure of cost of debt capital, so to measure the cost of debt capital; the impact of the marginal use of debt on the market price of common stock must be eliminated. Also from the fig. used for the cost of capital will depend on whether the security valuation is made on the basis of investment opportunities, stream of dividends, stream of earnings or discounted cash flow. What is required is a straightforward method of calculating the cost of capital that can be easily understood and applied by businessmen. In most business situations available capital must be rationed to the most attractive investments possibilities. James Moa has explained the concept of a hurdle rate the rate over which the projects will be accepted rate of return for use in the situations where capital is rationed. He defined the rate as the rate of return on the marginal investments, due to the principles of opportunity costs. Consider an example, a firm which pays 10% for funds that it acquires and because of capital rationing the marginal investments promising annual returns of 15%, although the cost of capital is only 10%. This means that relevant time value of money is measured by the return on the most profitable investments. Of course this 15% hurdle rate could also be selected as the cost of capital to the firm. The hurdle concept should be used in order to calculate the actual cost involved. It must be used by the companies experiencing capital rationing, and where the capital rationing is not used the capital invested in inventory is expected to earn a rate competitive with a marketable security and other liquid investments of a firm. Inventory Service Costs: The inventory service costs include the insurance and tax costs. The tax costs vary from state to state depending on the state the inventory is held. If the inventories are exempt to 19.8% of the assessed value than the tax rate may range from zero in those states like in Indiana State. Generally the taxes have a direct relation with the inventory levels like if the inventory level is increasing than the tax rate will also increase or vice versa. While on the other hand the insurance rates are not strictly proportional to the inventory levels, because insurance is usually purchased for a specified time period and insurance policy will be revised periodically based on the expected inventory changes. There are other different reasons that how the insurance rates vary like, they could be affected by the types of materials used in the construction of the building to house the inventory, the buildings age and considerations such as the types of fire prevention equipment installed. Storage Space Costs: In storage space cost 4 types of facilities should be considered which are: Plant warehouses. Public warehouses. Rented (leased) warehouses. Privately owned warehouses. These are explained in detail as follow: Plant warehouses: The costs related to plant warehouses are mostly fixed in nature but there are some variable costs such as the cost the cost of taking inventory and other direct expenses should be included in inventory carrying costs. Incase if the warehouse space is rented or used for some productive purpose but not for storing inventory only then fixed charges and allocated costs are concerned otherwise they irrelevant. Space in Public warehouses: Some things Copied The space in public warehouses is usually rented on a dollar per hundred weight or on a volume occupied basis. As the public warehouses is the most economical way to provide the desired level of customer service without incurring excessive transportation costs. Due to this reason mostly the costs related to public warehouses are considered as throughput costs and only charges for recurring storage that are explicitly or implicitly|(select other words) included in costs. and more the cost of capital related with holding inventory in public warehouses must be included in the cost of carrying inventory. This cost is equal to the variable manufacturing cost plus variable distribution cost, multiplied by the opportunity cost of capital or the hurdle rate. Rented (leased) warehouses: Rented or leased warehouses are normally contacted or leased for a specified period of time. The amount of space which is rented depends upon the maximum amount needed for the period of contract. The warehouse rental charges are fixed and do not vary from day to day with the change in the inventory level, but while on the other hand the rental charges may vary to month to month or year to year until a new contract is made. In most case the rented warehouse charges are mostly fixed but some may vary with the amount of inventory held. In any case these costs could be abolished by not renewing the contract. However these costs should not be included in the inventory carrying cost but in the warehousing cost category. (See exhibit 1). Fig.1 Privately Owned warehouse copied All the operating costs could be eliminated by closing down a privately owned warehouse or the net savings resulting from change to public warehouses should be included in warehousing costs and not I the inventory carrying costs. Inventory Risk Costs: Copied Inventory risk cost is a type a variable cost that varies from company to company. It includes charges for obsolescence, damage, pilferage, and relocation of inventory. The cost of obsolescence is the cost of each unit which must be disposed of at a loss because it becomes old. The costs associated with the damaged goods should be included only for the portion of damage which is directly attributable to the volume of inventory held. The damage incurred during shipping is considered a throughput cost since it will continue regardless of the inventory level. Problems associated with the inventory risk cost: Shrinkage: The problem of shrinkage occurs due to pilfering. (i.e. inventory theft) for American businessmen. They consider this problem more an important than cash frauds or cash embezzlement, because it is hard to control and this cost may be closely related to company security measure than inventory level depending upon the number of warehouse locations. Relocation cost: (copied) Relocation costs are the cost associated with the transshipment of inventory from one warehouse to another to avoid obsolescence. Mostly these costs are the result of tradeoffs between transportation and warehousing costs and not relevant for the inventory holding cost.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Commentary of Adam Liptakôs Article Regarding Gay Marriage...
Adam Liptak, a journalist for the New York Times, explained in Utah, in Opposing Gay Marriage, Find Three Arguments are Better than One why a heterosexual relationship is better for raising children in. The Utah law that would have allowed same sex couples to marry was recently shot down. Liptak goes on to explain why he agrees with the bill not being passed. The article states that this was important in ââ¬Å"holding up and encouraging man-woman unions as the ââ¬Ëpreferredââ¬â¢ arrangement in which to raise childrenâ⬠(Liptak, 2014, para. 12). This discrimination towards same sex couples wanting to raise children is appalling. Homosexual couples should have the right to raise children just as heterosexual couples do. Liptak argued his point by raising his concern for responsible procreation within society. He suggested that responsible procreation was between a man and woman inside of marriage. However, denying the right to marry and adopt to same-sex couples the govern ment is helping to increase the norm of sex and child raising outside of marriage. A lot of work and thought must go into the adoption of or alternative conception of a child. These processes are time consuming and the couple must put much thought and effort into having and raising a child before acquiring one through adoption, foster care, or using alternative conception methods. Children raised in a loving, nurturing environment have the largest advantage no matter the sexual orientation of the couple. According
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Meaning and Use of Arithmetic - 963 Words
Arithmetic (Measures the ability to correctly perform mental computations with expediency; thus measuring the speed of mental processes. Knowledge of advanced vocabulary or more advanced learned mathematical concepts, such as formulas, is not required as the objective of the category is merely to test speed of the participants ability to perform mental computations. All of the answers to the following questions will be quantitative.) Theoretical Mathematics (Measures the cognitive ability to perform theoretical computations without numerical values; measures the ability to recognize mathematical relationships in commonplace situations. All of the answers to the following questions will be in term of another variable or in relationship to another factor in the question. None of the answers will ask for a definitive quantitative answer; all answers will be more theoretical and will test the test takers ability to recognize mathematical patterns and relationships.) Reading Comprehension and Memory (Short Term) A few questions will test the participants ability to recall very short passage/sentences verbatim and write their responses into a computer based program that will calculate their performance. In order to replicate the sentence, the reader must be able to comprehend it to a certain extent, thus measuring reading comprehension as well as memory. Visual Comprehension and Memory Participants in the IQ exam, will take a CBT; thus, the limits of a PBT eliminate the limits.Show MoreRelatedVon Neumann architecture, or the Von Neumann model, stems from a 1945 computer architecture1100 Words à |à 5 Pagesfor an electronic digital computer with a control unit containing an instruction register and program counter , external mass storage, subdivisions of a processing unit consisting of arithmetic logic unit and processor registers, a memory to store both data and commands, also an input and output mechanisms. The meaning of the term has grown to mean a stored-program computer in which a command fetch and a data operation cannot occur at the same time because they share a common bus. This is commonlyRead MoreHow Data and Programs Are Represented in the Computer1672 Words à |à 7 PagesWe started with a simple fact: electricity can be either on or off. Other kinds of technology also use this two-state on/off arrangement. An electrical circuit may be open or closed. The magnetic pulses on a disk or tape may be present or absent. Current may be high voltage or low voltage. A punched card or tape may have a hole or not have a hole. This two-state situation allows computers to use the binary system to represent data and programs. The decimal system that we are accustomed to hasRead MoreHistory : History And History Essay1592 Words à |à 7 PagesGauss 4 Gottfried Achenwall 4 John Graunt 4 Thomas Bayes 4 G. 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But I said, ââ¬Å"averageâ⬠Read MoreAdvantage and Disadvantage of Internet: Computer Fundamentals1164 Words à |à 5 Pagesrapid calculations. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication can be performed on a standard abacus. The a bacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in East Asia and some parts of North America. Adding Machine Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, invented an adding machine. The machine has adopted partly the principles of the abacus but did away with the use of the hand to move the beads or counters. Instead, Pascal used wheels to move counters. Analytical Engine Charles Babbage, an EnglishRead MoreThe Evaluation of the Microprocessor.1464 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe use with both microprocessor 68000 and the 68020(Encarta 95). Math coprocessors, if supported by the application software, would speed up any function that is math-based. The microprocessor 68881 does this by additional set of instructions for high- proformance floating point arithmetic, a set of floating-point data registers, and 22 built-inconstants including p and powers of 10. The microprocessor 68881 conforms to the ANSI/IEEE 754-1985 standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. WhenRead MoreStudying A Habit That Plenty Of People1390 Words à |à 6 Pagesfew years. Section one will test over your ability in verbal communication meaning it will be testing your verbal skills. The verbal section will be split into two thirty minute parts, both covering your vocabulary, reading comprehension, and grammar skills. Section two will be the quantitative section, covering testing your ability to problem solve. Subjects in this section of the test will include material over arithmetic, algebra, data analysis and geometry skills. Before August 1st in 2011, aRead MoreUnited States President Dwight D. 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From 30000BC to 127BC there were many things happening for the beginning of math. In 30000BC, Palaeolithics in Europe and France recorded numbers on bones. Around 25000BC, there were signs of earlyRead MoreThe History of Zero: Indian and Mayan Cultures726 Words à |à 3 PagesArabic meaning void or empty which became later the term for zero. The ancient Egyptians never used a zero symbol in writing their numerals. Instead they had a zero to represent a value or magnitude. The early Greeks, who were the intellectual inheritors of Egyptian mathematics and science emphasized geometry to the exclusion of everything else. They did not seem interested in perfecting their number notation system. They simply had no use for zero. They were not greatly interested in arithmetic, claiming
Life Is A Matter Of Life - 1464 Words
The concept of life itself is quite simple. Biologically the purpose of life is far less open to interpretation, remaining in the general area of keep living and reproduce so to keep life going. However, it is when people try to add significance and value to life that things become convoluted. Why is that? Because one may say that the value of life is one thing, then another may say something else. But which one is right? Both and neitherââ¬âto put it simply. In that there is neither a wrong nor right way to view life; for it is all a matter of perspective. However, it brings up the question: if the value/ significance of life is a matter of perspective that an individual must interpret and give, could it be that there is no true value/ significance to life? To answer the question bluntly-- no, there is no true value of life, but there are different ways to view life, may it be positive or negative. With those views being influenced by the experiences one has gone through. There is nothing that is quite as rare in the universe like life. It is only known to exist on one plant out of about 200 billion. Although life is considerably rare in the vast scale of things, people tend not to place much value on life itself. However, value is placed on the things that come with life, for instance knowledge and what that knowledge can get them. ââ¬Å"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.â⬠(Franklin The Way to Wealth: Ben Franklin on Money and Success) So life canShow MoreRelatedIs Fetus Life Matter?1115 Words à |à 5 PagesFetus life matter 1969 was not a normal year for eight month pregnant Teresa Keeler and her unborn baby. Sadly Teresa was beaten very badly by her ex-husband. Before the incident happen her husband told Teresa that he was going stomp out of her .with God mercy, the unborn baby was delivered a live with fractured skull. The persecutor tried to accuse the ex-husband with the beating his wife and attempt of murder of the fetus. Unfortunately, the California supreme court dismiss the murder charge byRead MoreThe Origin Of Life And Matter1702 Words à |à 7 Pagesorigin of life. As tough as it may be to tell a young child how babies are made, it does not compare to the complexity of explaining how the entire universe began. Every human has a natural desire to discover the truth, but it stands as one of the most controversial subjects. Some philosophical minds, Evolutionists or Darwinists, believe everything started with a ââ¬Å"Big Bangâ⬠and then began to evolve into the world and life forms we kno w today. Others, Creationists, believe life and matter has beenRead MoreEssay on Matters of Life and Death2408 Words à |à 10 PagesI. Identification Matters of Life and Death: Defunding Organ Transplants for the State of Arizona II. Management Issues This case surrounds the controversy brought about by the Arizona state legislature defunding life-saving organ transplant operations. In 1987, the Arizona state legislature voted to eliminate funding for most organ transplants for the indigent through the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). At the same time of this decision, the legislature voted to extendRead MoreBlack Lives Matter : Black Life Matter Essay2048 Words à |à 9 PagesBlack Lives Matter Before I even realized what separated me from the average female society hit me with the harsh realities of how hard my life would be based primarily on the color of my skin and not the ââ¬Å"content of my characterâ⬠. I am an African American female on paper and all of the require documents that my parents signed from birth certificate to my recent driverââ¬â¢s license. However, because the pigment of my skin didnââ¬â¢t look as though the average stereotypical black female critics grew skepticalRead MoreEssay on A Matter of Life or Negligence1795 Words à |à 8 Pagesresources to investigate. According to him, not too long ago, two members of Congress introduced a bill that would complement Obamas executive order by giving more federal funding and access to resources to scientists. This would force any future pro-life President to have to resort to Congress in order to be able to downgrade to Bushs policies once again. Many Congressmen are supportive of stem cell resear ch, but some are not. Some of the reasons why some people do not support stem cell research willRead MoreBlack Life Matter Analysis : Black Lives Matter1886 Words à |à 8 PagesDOC 100 Ziyun Zou Oct. 24, 2015 Black Lives Matter Analysis ââ¬Å"Black Lives Matterâ⬠, the movement against judicial injustice and police brutality that particularly against African Americans, has drawn great public attention. As indicated in the recent years, ââ¬Å"over half of the people who being killed by police brutality were African Americans or Latinoâ⬠(Nazgol Ghandnoosh). 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I did not know it at that time, but that event would forever shape my life and belief about changing your own destiny and fate. As my life continued, I got used to living in two houses and this became the new normal for me. I worked hard to make the situation work for me. InsteadRead MoreBlack Life Matter Vs. Black Lives Matter894 Words à |à 4 PagesOur topic weââ¬â¢re discussing today is All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter. The slogan ââ¬Å"Black Lives Matterâ⬠came into use during the Martin vs. Zimmerman case, when Mr. Zimmerman was acquitted for the killing of Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager. After this case,there appeared to be a large amount of police brutality cases against African American, furthermore pushing activists to speak out against the racial profiling and racism. Even more recently, there have been suspected policeRead MoreEssay : This Is A Matter Of Life Or Death?748 Words à |à 3 PagesFocus Caleb, this is a matter of life or death! My hands slowly move around the heart surveying it just as a tactician would a battlefield, looking for the best approach to solve the chaotic degeneration. I grasp my scalpel and make a quick incision exposing the coronary artery under the glaring lights overhead. My eyes narrow in on the heart blocking out all of my surroundings as I work steadily and diligently, gliding through the steps of a single Coronary Artery Bypass Graft as if I had known
Eth/316 Community Profile Comparison Free Essays
Community Profile Comparison ETH/316 October 10, 2012 Community Profile Comparison ( Demographic Comparison Table (Camden, NJ/Princeton, NJ) Population| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| Total Population CaucasianAfrican AmericanAsianOther| 78,79017%52%3%28%| 13,38180%6%7%7%| Median Age| 28. 5| 37| Household Demographics| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| Median Home Price| $81,600| $677,400| Median Household Income| $29,042| $83,509| Percentage of Married Population| 19. 86%| 67%| Families with children under the age of 18| 60%| 46%| Educational Demographics| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| High School DegreeFour Year DegreeGraduate Degree| 51. We will write a custom essay sample on Eth/316 Community Profile Comparison or any similar topic only for you Order Now 33%3. 70%1. 98%| 94. 67%30. 33%41. 24%| Community Amenities| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| SchoolsLibrariesParksChurches| 4681613| 211211| Community Affiliations| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| Religious Majority| Catholic: 32. 74%| Catholic: 28. 60%| Political AffiliationDemocratic PartyRepublican Party| 67. 37%31. 23%| 67. 29%31. 2%| Crimes: Per 100,000 Residents| | Camden, NJ| Princeton, NJ| MurderRapeRobberyVehicle Theft| 46. 892. 3900. 3656. 3| 0. 00. 029. 737. 2| Responsibilities of the Individual to the Community No matter who you are or where you live, we are all part of a bigger community. As an individual, we are still part of a family be it big or small. We all are someoneââ¬â¢s neighbor in a , tribe, village, city, county, state, region, country and the world which makes us inherently responsible to each other. At the same time, full human potential cannot be reached if individuality is suppressed by society, First and foremost, the duties of each individual within any community are cooperation, respect and participation. An individual must think beyond themselves and always be vigilant that they are just a part of a larger intently even if the individuals in that intently have different believes, religions or interests . In all free societies there is a constant struggle between individual rights and individual responsibilities. According to the U. S. Department of State, every Individual right has a corresponding duty to the community and the bottom line is that all have the responsibility of the individual to watch over others in the a community to make sure that common ste standards are objective are obtained and that they are beneficial to all. According to John B. Cobb, Jr. , Ph. D. who is Professor of Theology Emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, â⬠In a community the idea of the common good takes on a far richer meaning than in a society understood as founded only on a compact and made up of atomic individuals. Because the good of each is bound up with the good of others, we can consider which changes in the society as a whole conduce to the good of those who participate in it. â⬠If you choose or not to be a part of a community, we still have the same obligations to the community of which we are a part. Responsibility of the Community to the Individual Defining Social Responsibility within the Community Conclusion References Princeton, NJ Livability Score. (2012). areavibes. Retrieved from http://www. areavibes. com/princeton-nj/livability/ à trulia. 2012). Princeton Township Real Estate Overview. Retrieved from http://www. trulia. com/real_estate/Princeton_Township-New_Jersey/ à Sperlings. (2010). Best Places to Live in Camden, New Jersey. Retrieved from http://www. bestplaces. net/city/new_jersey/Camden à U. S. State Census Bureau. (2010). New Jersey. Retrieved from http://quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/34000. html Cobb, J. B Jr. (2011) The Common Good: Individual Rights a nd Community Responsibility Retreived from http://www. religion-online. org/showarticle. asp? title=3351 How to cite Eth/316 Community Profile Comparison, Essay examples
Superannuation of Frank & Heather Barnes-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Superannuation of Frank and Heather Barnes. Answer: Develop Appropriate Strategies and Solutions The review of the current structure and the investment strategy of Edithvale Retirement Fundhas been discovered to have a total asset of $625K. In this respect, the member account of Frank is $380,000, for Heather is $220,000 and for ben is $25,000. It is seen that the asset that is available in the Edithvale Retirement Fund has been segmented into $39,000 for Cheque Account, $50,000 for Term Deposit 1, $25,000 for Term Deposit 2, $211,000 for Share Portfolio and $300,000 for managed funds. It is even seen that the investment strategy has to be increased in order to increase the income that would help ben in undertaking a loan for the purchase of the commercial property. The compliance issue that is existent with the fund is that it has to maintain a minimum amount of fund so that it can be helpful in purchasing the commercial property where Frank operates his business. Frank pays a rent of $75k for the commercial property and in order to purchase the property the fund needs to incre ase their level of return by undertaking new investments and by increasing the fund value of the share portfolio and the managed funds. When an individual looks to transfer the their business property into their retirement fund, it is essential to consider a number of issues like the allowable assets, stamp duty, tax consequences and the GST issues. The transfer of the business property to the retirement fund will be possible with the help paying the capital gains and considering the tax and VAT issues. It is even essential to understand the contribution rules and the risks associated with it. The transformation can be completed by paying the administrative charges as well as the taxes that are applicable to be paid. The transfer of the business property to the retirement fund would help maintain the income level of Frank even after retirement. Ben does not have the capability to pay $ 1 million for the mortgage and therefore transferring the business property to the retirement fund and not seeling the business would mean that the fund would have a higher value leading to the banks granting loan for the purchase of t he property. The recommendation that can be given is paying off the capital gains and the other existing taxes so that there are no obligations from the government thereby increasing the fund balance of Edithvale. A strategic planning needs to be undertaken for the clients and it is seen that the fund will be created in such a way so that the expectations of Frank, Heather and Ben can be met. The tax planning and structuring that requires to be paid by the client includes the capital gains tax and GST. Ben does not need to the taxes as his fund amount is $25,000. The couple are in the planning of retiring and therefore it is recommended that the business property is transferred to the Edithvale Retirement Fund thereby improving their income. Ben requires to invest in a superannuation fund in order to increase his income and create a fund for future retirement. The management of the risk should be done by taking advice from the solicitor and accountants so that they can provide recommendations and advise that would reduce the level of risk. The protection of the asset is possible by taking help of the accountant and analysing the market from time to time and investing in the appropriate fund th ereby improving the rate of return. The investment advice should be taken from a proper consultant while the management cash flow should be done by the accountant. The level of income and expenses should be maintained in an appropriate manner thereby maintaining profit for the client that can be used for investment purpose. Personal budgeting should be done by allocating the amount that would be spent on various areas and thereby improving the return for the client. Strategies and Negotiate Solutions The strategies that would be given to the client would be presented in the form of a formal document where all the recommendations would be written down in an effective manner and this would provide a proper idea to the clients. A meeting will be fixed with the client where all the requirements and the strategies would be addressed in an effective manner so that the clients can gain knowledge and in case of any queries can address them to the consultants. The steps of explaining the existing assets into superannuation would be done with the help of proper presentation and explaining each and every step and the concessions the clients are supposed to receive. With respect to the special contributions the Frank and Heather are liable for such contributions as they have crossed the age of 60 years. Real estate transfer is possible to the retirement fund as the client have their own house. Concession on capital tax implication is available for Frank and Heather but not for Ben. The two concerns that the clients may raise would be the level of risk associated and what can happen in case of changes in the market and valuation of stock. It is observed that such issues can be resolved by answering that the level of risk is low with the help of suitable evidence and with respect to changes in the market; the client can at any time withdraw the money and can invest in any other kind of portfolio. The clients are proposed a portfolio review and financial plan review so that the investment fund can be managed appropriately. The client would be provided financial review plan and portfolio review so that proper assessment of the managed fund can be undertaken. The associated fee includes the consultation fee and the management fee of the portfolio. Bibliography Arnold, Bruce, et al. "Partner-Scale Economies, Service Bundling, and Auditor Independence in the Australian Self-Managed Superannuation (Pension) Fund Industry." Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory 36.2 (2016): 161-180. Bird, Ron, et al. "Experiences of Current and Former Members of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds." (2016). Cummings, James R. "Effect of fund size on the performance of Australian superannuation funds." Accounting Finance 56.3 (2016): 695-725. Earl, Joanne K., et al. "Financial literacy, financial judgement, and retirement self-efficacy of older trustees of self-managed superannuation funds." Australian Journal of Management 40.3 (2015): 435-458.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Salinity Lab Report Essay Example
Salinity Lab Report Paper If you put these organisms in a bottle and turn on the lights, you get photosynthesis. If you turn off the lights, you turn off the primary production. Darkness has no effect on respiration. This is because cellular respiration is actually the reverse process of photosynthesis. Oxygen is a necessity of life requirements for basically all living organisms. * In this lab we are testing how different levels of salinity in the water indirectly affects the gross primary productivity in aquatic plants. To measure this you would use the light ND dark bottle method. Only respiration (R) can occur in the bottle stored in the dark. The decrease in dissolved oxygen in the dark bottle over time is a measure of the rate of respiration. Both photosynthesis and respiration can occur in the bottle exposed to light, however the difference between the amount of oxygen produced through photosynthesis and that consumed through respiration is the net primary productivity (NAP). The difference in dissolved oxygen over time between the bottles stored in the light and in the dark is a measure of the total amount of oxygen produced by photosynthesis. The total amount of oxygen produced is called the gross primary productivity (GAP). The equation for this method is as followed: GAP= NAP + R NAP= light bottle initial DO R= initial DO- dark bottle Materials: 18 moll flasks 2- 1000 ml beakers Stirrers salt Weigh boat Scale Distilled water Tap water Tape Sharpie Tin foil Dissolved oxygen probe Compact plant leaves Dissolve oxygen probe Plastic film Procedure: 1. Plug in and set up dissolved oxygen probe 2. Gather 18 flasks 3. Separate the flasks into 3 groups (0. 25 g/ml, 0. 02 g/ml, and zero MGM/l) 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Salinity Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Salinity Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Salinity Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Label he first 6 flasks zero for zero salt. 5. Label the next 6 flasks 0. 25 g/ml because those flasks will have salinity content of 0. 25 g/ml. 6. Label the last 6 flasks 0. Egg/ml which will have salinity content of 0. 02 g/ml 7. Using the scale and a weigh boat, weigh out 0. 25 grams of salt. 8. Fill the 1 liter beaker with tap water and pour the 0. 25 grams of salt. 9. Mix and distribute the water to the 60. 25 g/ml flasks. 10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 using the required measurements. 11. Using the dissolved oxygen probe measure and record the data for all 18 flasks. This quantitative data will be your initial dissolved oxygen. 12. Place one compact plant leaf into every flask and airtight seal each flask using the plastic film. 13. Within the 3 separate groups, split the flasks into two groups. Wrap half of the group flasks in tin foil and the other half place under lights. (i. E. : The 6 zero salinity flasks will turn into two groups of 3. ) 14. Wait 3 days and then record findings. Use this data to calculate NAP, R, and GAP. Discussion: From the data collected, I got negative GAP and R values which shows an error in the lab/data collection. The group that ended up with a positive gross primary productivity was the 0. 02 MGM/l group. All 3 salinity variations had relatively the same net primary productivity, with 4 MGM/l being the lowest and 4. 8 MGM/l being the highest. The amount of salinity in the water also showed no difference in the plants respiration. The lowest was -4. 7 MGM/l in both 0. MGM/l and the zero salinity groups. The group with the highest amount of salt in the water had the highest respiration, which isnt something that would happen in real life. Evaluation: A main source of error in this lab was the type of Lana we used. Either the salt didnt affect it much or it didnt photosynthesis as well as we planned. There was an error in the data collection because the respiration values and gross productivity values were negative which would not happen in real life. Another problem with this lab is that it takes a while to get everything set up on the first day and can almost take two days which would not work because you need to collect the initial DO and taking more than one day would not make the DO reading initial. Conclusion: My hypothesis was not supported.
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